Clement Lee
useR! 2021 conference
, Imports
, Suggests
, LinkingTo
, Enhances
Number of packages | Number of types | function | object returned |
\(1\) | any | get_dep() |
data frame |
all | all | get_dep_all_packages() |
data frame |
all | \(1\) (or more) | get_graph_all_packages() |
igraph object |
## from to type reverse
## 2 aaSEA DT imports FALSE
## 3 aaSEA networkD3 imports FALSE
## 4 aaSEA shiny imports FALSE
## 5 aaSEA shinydashboard imports FALSE
## 6 aaSEA magrittr imports FALSE
## 7 aaSEA Bios2cor imports FALSE
## from to type reverse
## 411665 Zelig stargazer enhances TRUE
## 411666 Zelig texreg enhances TRUE
## 411697 zoo chron enhances TRUE
## 411698 zoo lubridate enhances TRUE
## 411699 zoo RcisTarget enhances TRUE
## 411700 zoo tis enhances TRUE
## type reverse n
## 1 depends FALSE 11392
## 2 depends TRUE 9900
## 3 enhances FALSE 513
## 4 enhances TRUE 533
## 5 imports FALSE 72582
## 6 imports TRUE 66248
## 7 linking to FALSE 4319
## 8 linking to TRUE 4647
## 9 suggests FALSE 45738
## 10 suggests TRUE 50728
## [1] 16708
## [1] 266600
## IGRAPH 625b0ca DN-- 4940 8281 --
## + attr: name (v/c)
## + edges from 625b0ca (vertex names):
## [1] A3 ->xtable A3 ->pbapply abc ->
## [4] abc ->nnet abc ->quantreg abc ->MASS
## [7] abc ->locfit abcdeFBA ->Rglpk abcdeFBA ->rgl
## [10] abcdeFBA ->corrplot abcdeFBA ->lattice ABCp2 ->MASS
## [13] abctools ->abc abctools ->abind abctools ->plyr
## [16] abctools ->Hmisc abd ->nlme abd ->lattice
## [19] abd ->mosaic abn ->nnet abn ->lme4
## [22] abodOutlier->cluster Ac3net ->data.table acc ->mhsmm
## + ... omitted several edges
## [1] TRUE
+ Imports
(+ LinkingTo