2018-01-26 (Fri)
If a sequence of events is assumed to arise from an NHPP with intensity function \(h(t)\geq 0\)
How to check if the power law process is appropriate for the data?
Why \(t_i/i\) vs \(t_i\) on log-log scale?
How to check if some (non-temporal) data are Weibull distributed?
For \(i\)-th original, where \(i=1,2,\ldots,n\)
Retweet count | \(m_i\) |
Transformed retweet count | \(m_i^{*}=\log(1+m_i)\) |
Follower count | \(x_i\) |
Mean-centred follower count | \(x_i^{*}=\log(1+x_i)-\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^n\log(1+x_k)\) |
Bayesian approach because of:
Metropolis-within-Gibbs (MWG) algorithm
Gibbs variable selection (Dellaportas, Forster, and Ntzoufras 2002)
Required quantities
If current value of \(M=1\):
If current value of \(M=0\):
Dellaportas, Petros, Jonathan J Forster, and Ioannis Ntzoufras. 2002. “On Bayesian Model and Variable Selection Using MCMC.” Statistics and Computing 12: 27–36.
Duane, J. T. 1964. “Learning Curve Approach to Reliability Monitoring.” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace 2 (2): 563–66.
Mathews, Peter, Lewis Mitchell, Giang Nguyen, and Nigel Bean. 2017. “The Nature and Origin of Heavy Tails in Retweet Activity.” In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, 1493–8. WWW ’17 Companion. Republic; Canton of Geneva, Switzerland: International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee. doi:10.1145/3041021.3053903.
Tobin, James. 1958. “Estimation of Relationships for Limited Dependent Variables.” Econometrica 26 (1): 24–36. doi:10.2307/1907382.