From the power law to extreme value mixture distributions

Clement Lee (joint work with Emma Eastoe and Aiden Farrell)



  • Extending the power law for network degrees
    • claimed to be ubiquitous
  • Mixture distribution
    • incorporating extreme value theory
  • Application
    • useful even for simulated data
    • comparison with real data
  • Studying the fit over time



Power laws

  • Continuous: Pareto distribution (\(\alpha>1\))

\[\begin{align*} f(y) &\propto y^{-\alpha},\qquad{}y>y_0 \\ \log f(y) &= -\alpha\log{}y+c \\ & \\ & \\ F(y) &= 1-(y/y_0)^{-(\alpha-1)} \\ \log\left(1-F(y)\right) &= -(\alpha-1)\log{}y + c^{*} \end{align*}\]


  • Discrete: Zipf distribution

\[\begin{align*} p(x) &\propto x^{-\alpha},\qquad{}x=x_0,x_0+1,\ldots \\ \log p(x) &= -\alpha\log{}x+c & \\ & \\ \end{align*}\]

  • Approximate linearity for survival function on log-log scale

Degrees of real networks


Why the power law?

  • Seemingly ubiquitous for networks
    • and other kinds of data
  • “Nice” models imply power law degree distribution
  • Preferential attachment (Barabási and Albert 1999)
    • Undirected: Hofstad (2016b)
    • Directed: Bollobás et al. (2001)
    • Nonlinear: Oliveira and Spencer (2005),
      Rudas, Tóth, and Valkó (2007)
  • Generalised random graphs
    • Hofstad (2016a)


  • Workflow
    1. Plot degrees on log-log scale
    2. Fit some distribution to (subset of) data,
      claim degrees follow the power law (or not)
    3. Claim network comes from preferential attachment model (or not)
  • Criticisms
    1. Visualisation not good enough
    2. Inadequacy of distributions;
      testing procedure not fit for purpose
    3. Sufficient but not necessary condition

1. Visualisation not good enough


  • Valero, Pérez-Casany, and Duarte-López (2022)

Really a straight line?

  • Survival function visualises large degrees better


  • “Curved” downwards

2. Inadeqaucy of distributions

Method Reason Issue
Subset data above \(u\) & choose optimal \(u\) by Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic (Clauset, Shalizi, and Newman 2009) Small degrees deviate from straight line Requires additional procedure; likelihood under different \(u\) not comparable
Lognormal (Clauset, Shalizi, and Newman 2009; Buzsáki and Mizuseki 2014) To improve overall fit Light-tailed; inherently continuous
Weibull / stretched exponential (Malevergne, Pisarenko, and Sornette 2005) To improve overall fit Inherently continuous
Zipf-polylog / power law with exponential cut-off (Valero, Pérez-Casany, and Duarte-López 2022; Pastor-Satorras and Vespignani 2001) To improve overall fit; to accommodate “curvature” Light-tailed
Incorporating extreme value methods (Voitalov et al. 2019) Large degrees deviate from straight line Assumes heavy-tailed; inherently continuous
Double power law (Ayed, Lee, and Caron 2019) To accommodate “curvature” Assumes heavy-tailed
Mixture of Zipfs (Jung and Phoa 2021) Small degrees deviate from straight line Assumes heavy-tailed

Extreme value mixture distribution

Primer: relationships

Rightmost column

Schematic of spliced mixture distribution

  • Slope: \(-\alpha(<-1)\)

  • Tail heaviness: \(1/(\alpha-1)\)

  • \(\theta\in(0,1]\)

  • Zipf\((\alpha)\) when \(\theta=1\)

  • Blue’s tail heaviness: \(\xi\)
  • Brown’s tail heaviness: \(1/(\alpha-1)\)
    • had the power law extended beyond \(u\)

Bayesian inference

CRAN dependencies


  • Mixture distribution improves fit
  • Better than alternatives

From preferential attachment model


  • Not clear-cut even when simulated from true model
  • Uncertainty & finite sample behaviour

Tail heaviness: actual vs implied

  • Away from \(y=x\) line
  • Difficult to have sustained growth according to \(\alpha\)


  • Indication whole of data could follow the power law
  • Huge uncertainty of \(\xi\) still


Relatively stable


Tail steadily lighter than implied by power law


Next steps

Hypothesis testing

  • \(H_0\): Data follows the power law
    • not necessarily arising from distribution as iid samples
  • Test statistic
    • distance between estimates of \(\xi\) and \(1/(\alpha-1)\)
    • possibly utilising \(u\) as well
    • what is the distribution under \(H_0\)?


Underlying network model

  • Evolution of the raw data
    • A generalised linear model
    • Different to Jeong, Néda, and Barabási (2003) who studied overall growth
  • Is preferential attachment still evident?
    • How do lighter-than-power-law heavy tails arise?
    • What modifications to the model are required? Fitness, aging / fatigue?
  • Prove modified network model \(\Rightarrow\) desired limiting degree distribution

Thank you!


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