Networks \(\times\) Extremes Reading Group

Clement Lee

2021-11-11 (Thu)


Simulated network

Marginal distribution


Making the model more realistic

Joint distribution

Wang & Resnick (2021)

How does incorporating reciprocity in the preferential attachment model affect the in- & out-degrees?

  1. What is their limiting (marginal) distribution?
  2. What is their limiting joint distribution?
  3. Are they asymptotically independent / dependent?


Model set up

  1. Start with node 1 with a self-loop
  2. Node \(n+1\) joins when there are \(n\) nodes in the network
  3. With probability \(\alpha\), there is an edge from node \(n+1\) to an existing node
    • The node is chosen with probability \(~\propto~\) their current in-degree \(+~\delta\)
    • With probability \(\rho\), reciprocity happens i.e. an edge from the chosen node to \(n+1\) is created
    • With probability \(1-\rho\), reciprocity doesn’t happen
  4. With probability \(\gamma(=1-\alpha?)\), there is an edge from an existing node to node \(n+1\)
    • The node is chosen with probability \(~\propto~\) their current out-degree \(+~\delta\)
    • With probability \(\rho\), reciprocity happens i.e. an edge from \(n+1\) to chosen node is created
    • With probability \(1-\rho\), reciprocity doesn’t happen

Converting to branching processes

Converting to branching processes (cont’d)

Connecting the two formally

Result 1 / Theorem 4

Result 2 / Theorem 5

Result 3 / Theorem 6

Full asymptotic dependence

Simulation & Application

Some thoughts