Networks Reading Group: Model Selection
Clement Lee
2021-03-10 (Wed)
- Inferring stochastic block model (SBM)
- Want to “figure out” the number of communities \(K\)
- There is no ground truth, only an “optimal” number
- How to find this “optimal” \(K\)?
Approach 1: Fixed
- Examples
- Snijders and Nowicki (1997, Journal of Classification)
Approach 2: Inferring \(K\) as a parameter
- Examples
- McDaid et al. (2013, CSDA)
- Peixoto (2014, Physical Review E)
- Newman and Reinert (2016, Physical Review Letters)
- Ludkin (2020, CSDA)
- Transdimensional inference algorithm usually required
- Split a group into two
- Merge two groups into one
- Not the focus here
Approach 3: Selecting via a criterion
- Examples
- Nowicki and Snijers (2001, JASA)
- Bickel and Chen (2009, PNAS)
- Usually based on some kind of “log-likelihood”
- Same criterion being called differently
- Different criteria with similar terms
- \(n\): number of nodes
- \(Y\): the \(n\times n\) adjacency matrix
- \(Z\): the group memberships, an \(n\)-vector
- \(\theta\): the collection of parameters involved
A. Likelihood modularity
- Bickel and Chen (2009, PNAS)
- Moving from non model-based modularity
- In community detection algorithms
- \(\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)=\) a function of …
- Number of edges in each group
- Number of nodes in each group
- Once the clustering is done, you can calculate the likelihood modularity
B. Complete data log-likelihood
\[ \begin{aligned}
\pi(Y,Z|\theta) &= \pi(Y|Z,\theta)\times\pi(Z|\theta)\\
\log\pi(Y,Z|\theta) &= \log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)+\log\pi(Z|\theta)
\end{aligned} \]
- Given the group memberships (and the parameters), you can calculate this too
- From here there are at least two routes:
- Multiplying \(\pi(Y,Z|\theta)\) by \(\pi(\theta)\) and integrating \(\theta\) out to obtain \(\pi(Y,Z)\rightarrow\) ICL \(\rightarrow\) approximate ICL
- Integrating \(Z\) out to obtain \(\pi(Y|\theta)\rightarrow\) observed data (log-)likelihood
C. Integrated complete data log-likelihood (ICL)
\[ \begin{aligned}
\log\pi(Y,Z) &= \log\int\pi(Y,Z|\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta
\end{aligned} \]
- Usually intractable
- In some cases, (part of) the parameters \(\theta\) can be integrated out through the use of conjugate priors
- Latouche et al. (2012, Statistical Modelling)
- Come & Latouche (2015, Statistical Modelling)
- If approximation is required for the rest, it’s not impossible as the number of parameters is smaller than and/or scales slower than \(n\)
- Also equivalent to Minimum Description Length (MDL) under some assumptions
- Peixoto (2014, Physical Review X)
- Newman & Reinhart (2016, Physical Review Letters)
D. Approximate ICL
\[ \begin{aligned}
\log\pi(Y,Z) \approx \max_{\theta}\log\pi(Y,Z|\theta)-\frac{K^2}{2}\log\left(n(n-1)\right)-\frac{K-1}{2}\log n
\end{aligned} \]
- Proposed by Daudin et al. (2008, Statistics and Computing)
- Examples
- Matias and Miele (2017, JRSSB)
- Matias et al. (2018, Biometrika)
- Stanley et al. (2019, Applied Network Science)
E. Observed data log-likelihood
\[ \begin{aligned}
\log\pi(Y|\theta) &= \log\left(\sum_{Z}\pi(Y,Z|\theta)\right) \\
&= \log\left(\sum_{Z}\left[\pi(Y|Z,\theta)\times\pi(Z|\theta)\right]\right)
\end{aligned} \]
- Some also call this marginal log-likelihood as \(Z\) is integrated out
- True marginal log-likelihood \(\log\pi(Y)\) requires integrating out \(\theta\) too
- \(\log\pi(Y|\theta)\rightarrow\log\pi(Y)\) easier than \(\log\pi(Y,Z|\theta)\rightarrow\log\pi(Y|\theta)\)
- Computationally difficult & requires approximation
F. Approximate observed data log-likelihood
- Related to variational EM methods
\[ \begin{aligned}
\log\pi(Y|\theta) &= E_Q\left[\log\pi(Y,Z|\theta) - \log Q(Z)\right] + D_{KL}\left(Q(Z)||\pi(Z|Y,\theta)\right)\\
\log\pi(Y|\theta) &\approx ~~\quad\log\pi(Y,Z|\theta) - \log Q(Z)
\end{aligned} \]
- Once a factorisable \(Q(Z)\) is found, we can approximate \(\log\pi(Y|\theta)\)
- Examples
- Decelle et al. (2011, Physical Review E)
- Latouche et al. (2012, Statistical Modelling)
- Yan et al. (2014, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment)
G. Marginal log-likelihood
- From observed data log-likelihood
\[ \begin{aligned}
\log\pi(Y) &= \log\int\pi(Y|\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta
\end{aligned} \]
- From ICL
- Latouche et al. (2012, Statistical Modelling)
\[ \begin{aligned}
\log\pi(Y) &= E_Q\left[\log\pi(Y,Z) - \log Q(Z)\right] + D_{KL}\left(Q(Z)||\pi(Z|Y)\right)\\
\log\pi(Y) &\approx ~~\quad\log\pi(Y,Z) - \log Q(Z)
\end{aligned} \]
- If we can compute marginal log-likelihood, the choice of \(K\) is usually accounted for
- In practice:
- Computational challenging even with approximation
- Quality of approximation hard to quantify
Some penalties
- Wang and Bickel (2017, AoS)
- Penalty \(= \lambda \frac{K(K+1)}{2} n\log n\)
- Tended to underestimate \(K\)
- Dealt with the marginal log-likelihood
- Saldana, Yu and Feng (2017, JCGS)
- Penalty \(= \frac{K(K+1)}{2} \log n\)
- Tended to overestimate \(K\)
- Hu et al. (2019, JASA)
- Penalty \(= \lambda n \log K + \frac{K(K+1)}{2} \log n\)
- Corrected BIC
- Plug a single estimated \(Z\) into the “log-likelihood”
Yet another direction
- BIC approximation principle (Schwarz, 1978)
\[ \begin{aligned}
&\approx \sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)-\frac{1}{2}\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log\frac{n(n-1)}{2}\\
&\approx \sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)-\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n
\end{aligned} \]
- Thoughts: approximation better with an extra term?
\[ \begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{2}\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log\frac{n(n-1)}{2} &\approx \frac{1}{2}\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log\frac{n^2}{2}\\
&= \frac{1}{2}\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n^2 - \frac{1}{2}\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log2\\
&= \frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n - \frac{1}{2}\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log2
\end{aligned} \]
Let’s go with their approximation
\[ \begin{aligned}
\text{ICL} - \log\pi(Z) = \log\pi(Y,Z)-\log\pi(Z)&\approx \sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)-\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n\\
\text{ICL} + \log\tau(Z_K)&\approx \sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)-\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n
\end{aligned} \]
- The last equation is due to \(\pi(Z)\) is usually \(1/\tau(Z_K)=1/\)(number of possibilities of \(Z\) under \(K\) groups)
- So the following are equivalent:
- Compare \(\sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)\) with a penalty of \(\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n\) across \(K\)
- Compare ICL with an extra term which favours larger \(K\)
- For a fair comparison, the penalty should be \(\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n + \log\pi(Z)\), or some approximation thereof
Putting a prior over \(Z\) & \(K\)
- Originally: \(\pi(Z) = 1/\tau(Z_K)\) - need to include this term first
- Hu et al. (2019): \(\pi(Z) = 1/\tau(Z_K) \times \left[\tau(Z_K)\right]^{-\delta} = \left[\tau(Z_K)\right]^{-(1+\delta)} = \left[\tau(Z_K)\right]^{-\lambda}\)
- \(\delta>0\): prior weights decrease with \(K\)
- \(\delta<0\): prior weights increase with \(K\)
- Note: it doesn’t affect results if we infer \(Z\) based on fixed \(K\)
- As each of the \(n\) nodes can be in 1 of the \(K\) groups, \(\tau(Z_K)=K^n\)
\[ \begin{aligned}
\log\pi(Z) &= \log\left[\tau(Z_K)\right]^{-\lambda} = \log\left(K^{-\lambda n}\right) = -\lambda n\log K
\end{aligned} \]
- Thoughts: Is \(\tau(Z_K)=K^n\) the most accurate?
- This includes possibilities of empty groups with the \(K\) groups
- Is the Stirling number \(\displaystyle\tau(Z_K)=\left\{n \atop K\right\}\) better?
Deriving the criterion & penalty
\[ \begin{aligned}
\text{ICL} &\approx \sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)-\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n + \log\pi(Z)\\
&\approx \sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)-\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n - \lambda n \log K\\
&\approx \sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)-\left(\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n + \lambda n \log K\right) \\
l(K) &= \max_{Z} \sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)-\left(\frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n + \lambda n \log K\right)
\end{aligned} \]
Wait, they also mentioned ICL
- Daudin et al. (2008, Statistics and Computing)
- There is some other approximation involved, thus arriving at a different penalty
- They also derived another approximate ICL (see before)
- Essentially, Hu et al. (2019):
- Maximised the data log-likelihood \(\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta)\) w.r.t. both \(\theta\) & \(Z\)
- Included a penalty term \(\rightarrow\) a proper criterion \(l(K)\)
- Allowed flexibility with the prior through the tuning parameter \(\lambda\)
- Arrived at a quantity \(l(K)\) which also approximates the ICL (evaluated at the “optimal” Z)
Misspecifying \(K\)
- \(K^{'}\) misspecified, \(K\) true
- \(Z^{*}\) & \(\theta^{*}\) true
\[ \begin{aligned}
l(K^{'}) - l(K) &= \left(\max_{Z\in\left[K^{'}\right]^n}\sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta) - \log\pi(Y|Z^{*},\theta^{*})\right) \\
&\quad- \left(\max_{Z\in\left[K\right]^n}\sup_{\theta}\log\pi(Y|Z,\theta) - \log\pi(Y|Z^{*},\theta^{*})\right) \\
&\quad+ \left(\frac{K^{'}(K^{'}+1)}{2}\log n - \frac{K(K+1)}{2}\log n\right) + \left(\lambda n \log K^{'} - \lambda n \log K\right)\\
&=\text{A log-likelihood ratio with misspecified $K$}\\
&\quad - \text{A log-likelihood ratio with correct $K$ (and therefore follows the $\chi^2$ distribution divided by 2)}\\
&\quad + \left(\frac{K^{'}(K^{'}+1)}{2} - \frac{K(K+1)}{2}\right)\log n + \lambda n \log\frac{K^{'}}{K}
\end{aligned} \]
The theoretical results (that I skipped)
- Section 3: establishing the asymptotics of the log-likelihood ratios
- Section 4: proving the consistency of their criterion (under some conditions, of course):
\[ \begin{aligned}
\Pr\left(l(K^{'})>l(K)\right)\rightarrow 0\qquad\text{as}\quad n\rightarrow\infty
\end{aligned} \]
- For \(K^{'}>K\) and \(K^{'}<K\), there are different conditions
- The general idea is \(K\) grows slower than some power of \(n\) (which is usually the case)
- They also showed that the criterion by Saldana, Yu, and Feng (2017, JCGS) overestimates \(K\):
\[ \begin{aligned}
\Pr\left(l(K^{'})>l(K)\right)\rightarrow 1\qquad\text{as}\quad n\rightarrow\infty,\qquad\text{for}\quad K^{'}>K
\end{aligned} \]
Degree-corrected SBM
- Karrer and Newman (2011, Physical Review E)
- Correcting for the degree heterogeneity within a group
- Main idea: An extra parameter / latent variable \(\omega_i\) for node \(i\)
- Increasing adoption of the DC-SBM as it’s more realistic
- The main result still stands for DC-SBM:
\[ \begin{aligned}
\Pr\left(l(K^{'})>l(K)\right)\rightarrow 0\qquad\text{as}\quad n\rightarrow\infty
\end{aligned} \]
Simulation results
- Recovering the true \(K\) well
- Caveat: the quality of \(\lambda\) depends on true \(K\)
- Small \(K\): \(\lambda=1\)
- Large \(K\): \(\lambda<1\) i.e. lighter penalty is a better choice
- Thoughts: Inconsistency with regard to Wang and Bickel (2017, AoS)
- Claimed to be underestimating \(K\) in abstract & discussion
- Grossly overestimating \(K\) in simulation studies
- Penalty of \(\lambda \frac{K(K+1)}{2} n\log n\) indeed heavier, and should underestimate \(K\)
Real applications
- Mixed results & no details
- International trade dataset
- Thoughts:
- Too small to judge that it’s dominating other criteria?
- Maybe accompany by the values of the criteria to see how closely competing different \(K\)’s are?
Model selection between SBM & DC-SBM?
- Not mentioned here, but possible
- Examples:
- Yan (2016, ASONAM)
- Yan et al. (2014, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment)
Thank you!