
Connected classes

Learning Circle

App Movement

User / cumulative count Share link Time created Parent user Parent share link
1 A 2017-04-21 00:00:00
2 B 2017-04-21 00:39:26 1 A
3 C 2017-04-21 05:59:05 1 A
4 D 2017-04-21 09:44:41 2 B
5 E 2017-04-21 13:32:37 4 D
6 F 2017-04-21 14:03:21 4 D
7 G 2017-04-21 19:36:18 6 F
8 H 2017-04-21 20:18:07 3 C
9 I 2017-04-21 21:45:21 4 D
10 J 2017-04-22 01:02:49 2 B
11 K 2017-04-22 06:55:49 2 B
12 L 2017-04-22 08:20:30 11 K

Statistical modelling

A few parameters to explain a relationship or phenomenon

Susceptible-Infectious model

One parameter needed: the epidemic rate

Homogeneous mixing epidemic

Everyone is connected to everyone else

Network epidemic

Everyone has the same average number of connections

Real-life networks

Some are much more connected than others - the hubs

Preferential attachment

Start with one connection

Preferential attachment

Newcomers sequentially connect to those already in the network

Preferential attachment

Current connectedness affects how likely one gets connected to a newcomer

Preferential attachment

The rich gets richer

Spreading the epidemic

The epidemic rate kicks in

The actual data

Most connections are unknown

Discovering the unknown connections

  • Analyse multiple epidemics simultaneously
  • Compare their epidemic rates